Some of Beck’s favourite products and recipe websites
Recipes and meal ideas
Programs and courses
Note: By using the links and discount codes, some (those with *) of the companies provide Beck with a small commission. Beck uses 100% of any monies earned through these commissions to put towards her fundraising efforts for the annual MACA 200 Cancer Ride.
- Diet Doctor - lower carb recipes and meal plans
- The Foodie and the Chef - lower carb recipes and meal plans
- Have butter will travel - lower carb recipes
- Mad Creations - lower carb recipes
- Sodii Hydration* - use code BECKNEWTON for 15% off sugar free electrolytes
- HOPR* - use the link to get 15% off non alcoholic, zero carb with adaptogens and nootropics drinks
- Simply Swap Foods - enter code EATLIVEWELL10 at the checkout to get 10% off low-carb and gluten-free porridge, cakes, pancakes, breads and wrap mixes,
- Qetoe* - enter code BECKNQT at the checkout to get 10% off low-carb and gluten free pasta, rice and noodles
- Mingle Seasoning - great recipe bases, spice mixes and sauces
- Chief Nutrition* - using this link will get you $10 off
- Not Just a Patch - enter AUNURSES10 at checkout to get 10% off CGM overpatches and skin prep
Programs and courses
- CyberCarbs - Everything you need to know about counting carbs to better match inuslin dosing. Beck's patients can ask for a discount code
- T1 Essentials - The essential online toolkit for managing and thriving with type 1 diabetes. Beck's patients can ask for a discount code
- T1 Bootcamp - The essential hands-on toolkit for managing and thriving with type 1 diabetes. Awesome for all people living with T1, but super helful for newly diagnosed or for those considering a switch to an insulin pump.
- Defeat Diabetes* - use this link to get 2 weeks free access to all the recipes and meal plans and you can also get 15% off the annual program fee by using Promotional Code DDGJB15
- Real Life Medicine* 7 day Sugar Free Reset, 12 Week Mind Body Rebalance, 4-week Body Rebalance, or Menopause Masterclass
Note: By using the links and discount codes, some (those with *) of the companies provide Beck with a small commission. Beck uses 100% of any monies earned through these commissions to put towards her fundraising efforts for the annual MACA 200 Cancer Ride.